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GUI programming
Basics ANSI C
Change from C to C++
Visual C++ under Windows NT
Basics ANSI C
Preprocessor, compiler, linker
Form of a C program
Computing and data types
Operators and expressions
Variables and assignments
Control structures
Functions and parameters
Files and access
Data structures
Arrays and strings
Constants and storage classes
Pointer and addresses
Structures and type definitions
Recursive structures
Change from C to C++
Language extensions
Use of streams for input and output
C++ comments
Default arguments to functions
Variable declarations
Scope resolution operator
Inline functions
CONST declarations
Enumerated data types
Overloaded functions
Link specifier
Reference parameters
Object Orientation
Data types and classes
Constructors and destructors
Private, proptected and public elements
Data elements
Member functions
New and delete operators
THIS pointer
Assignment and initialization
Static classes
Friend classes
Single inheritance
Multiple inheritance
Virtual functions
Dynamic binding
Overloaded operators
Visual C++ under Windows NT
1. Day morning:
Basic structure of Windows programs
Create a console application HELLO.CPP
Porting an old DOS application to a console application
Differences between Windows API and the MFC
Explanation of terms such as SDI, MDI, OLE, ODBC
1. Day afternoon:
Creating your first application with the AppWizard
Modifying Resources: Dialogs and Icons
Inserting message handlers: OnLButtonDown /-Up
Functions MessageBeep and MessageBox
2. Day morning:
CString objects, loading from resources
Filling of a MessageBox using CString::LoadString(...)
Using WM_MOUSE... Messages and Cpoint
CClientDC, Invalidate and the function OnDraw
Copying strings with sprintf
Drawing in the text with CDC::TextOut
2. Day afternoon:
The functions Invalidate, Set-/ReleaseCapture
m_ptMaus within the view object
Data elements in the document object
Data element m_ptAnf and access functions SetAnf(...) and GetAnf()
Use of the data items in the function OnDraw
3. Day morning:
The function Serialize and the CArchive class
Functionality of SetModifiedFlag
m_strVersion for version control in the document
AfxMessageBox for messages without a window
Reading and converting of different file versions
3. Day afternoon:
Creation and handling of new menu items
Creation of toolbar buttons and keyboard shortcuts
4. Day morning:
Create, manage, and use new dialogs
Member variables in dialogs and the function OnUpdate
DDX and DDV mechanism
Update the user interface with UpdateCmdUI
4. Day afternoon:
UpdateCmdUI for menus, toolbars, and accelerators
Insert and manage Tooltips/QuickInfo
Creating and managing of CPen objects
Use of CPen in OnDraw
Dialogues of COMMDLG.dll exemplified by CColorDialog
5. Day morning:
Creation and use of CBrush objects
Filling of CBrush using a dialogue
List boxes, DropDown lists and default values
Radio buttons, checkboxes and data transfer
Integration of these informations in OnDraw
5. Day afternoon:
Basics of Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) in the MFC
Creation of a sample program for database access
Set filter and sort
Using the MFC ODBC parameters for initialization